Are you tired of not having enough sales of your services and products?
Does that make you tight or insecure?
You know that your service could contribute so much to other people, but no one gets what you have to offer?
Do you have trouble presenting what you want to deliver?
What questions are you asking to change that?
If you desire to have more confidence in selling your products or services, I am here for you as a catalyst for change and coach to help you find your own way and to have more ease with sales. I help you create and generate more success in your life and business and above all, be happy!
The program: 7 Tips to Sell Like Crazy provides other possibilities for sales.
In seven videos I discuss:
I will guide you through these seven tips by giving examples from my own experiences.
My experience:
For over 25 years, I have been a successful consultant and coach for leaders and companies. Over these years I developed a specific knowledge and awareness which could work for you as well.
These 7 videos will provide many questions and may give you another perspective on your products and services as well as on your own point of view about your selling ability. What if you really can sell more than you think you can?
You will receive these questions in a worksheet PDF for homeplay to discover your specialities and how to approach your customers.
You will also receive a one page checklist to cover all the points you need to know when you would like to bring a new product or service into the market. You can use this for any new seminar, product and any type of coaching. This helps you quickly gain more clarity within your sales communication and can lead to more sales which means more income!
If you really want to change something and end your sales frustration, this program will be helpful for you.
See you online!
Beate Nimsky